Tuesday 26 December 2017


Flocks of people?
Send them to the wretched realm of consumerism
Where they belong
The season belongs to me and the crow
He yammered on a damp, rotting, bench
Fuelled by a Sixer of white tiger
The heath was still in a pre-Christmas lull
And the frigid, frosted earth
Belonged to the stalking steps
Of red webbed feet and black talons
Christmas doesn’t belong to you
I whispered from my clear-cut path
To the caff
Only the slow rotting of organic matter
And the absence of memory
Happy Christmas to you, too,
He gave a husky salute
As if reading the words from my lips
Slipping for a moment from my well-defined ways
I made my way to him
Crunching over the iced spires of tufted grass
Guessing the build of his demise
It belongs to all here, I shouted
The robin, the goose, the water vole
Even the parrots, those late customers
From down south
They don’t belong here
He grumbled beneath a thicket of grey beard
But they are here
I laughed him up
But he sank down like a chilled worm
Into his piss stained tweed
GREED! He roared

Greed, I repeated softly

Saturday 16 December 2017


I’m sat here waiting on leaves
The sky is coming
They never warned me
About that
The tarmac is always wet
Downside of the street
You and the images
The magus
The motion trumped 
By stillness
I’m now on the park bench
Tree-side of three corners
The crowd 
Drawing in, pulsing
Flashing in chrome

The headless languages
The August Fengler

‘I am the cage of freedom’
She spoke 
And nothing more
My cigarette ash 
Is falling upon my scarf
And she is crushing 
A lemon 
With a screwdriver
The people in that place
Were like creatures
From a vague and awful
The night outside was immense
Swallows cut the steel lights
To shreds
Candles burned my thoughts
To carbon shadows


Saturday 31 December 2016

The fog

I missed the fog
Catching only glimpses from a car window
Or a high point in the town
As it rolled up the trout streams
Easing over mossy boulders
Enveloping a tangle of stunted, bearded oaks
Concealing the rusty, Winter bracken 
Of the moors
Leaving only ghostly tors
Hovering magically between valley and sky
I missed the frost
Crystallising every surface
In cloud shrouded valleys
A world once familiar
Lifted into a mysterious silent realm 
Of white against white
All beauty given
Swelling in the intensity of its own being

Un-witnessed and safe

Monday 16 May 2016

This spirit is to blame

The breath i forgive

Light attired but ready she died

And sank below the deck

It is a face and a soul 

I have brought into my bankrupt world

And thrown away like sand

Friday 6 May 2016


Ive been learning the answers to questions that will never be asked

Dead time 

Hanging around for the big event

Filling the minutes with beer, cigarettes and a pen

I’m done with Facebook for now

It’s a billboard of  nothingness

You were the only person i could escape to. 

Monday 17 February 2014


My slipped mind
Is the tale of my misfortune with you
The furnaces stoked
At the laughing hour
Have burnt out my spirit
But I am left with you still in my heart
A soul that once flirted and danced with my soul
Is now missing
The necessities keep coming
They do not give us chance to lick our wounds
So we move on
Layers unresolved
Thin, and volatile